Saturday, November 7, 2009


We hit up the Jason Mraz concert in September (I'm such a responsible blogger). To bring the readers up to speed on my and Jason's relationship, we met in 2004 (?) and I've served as somewhat of a muse for him ever since. This was my fourth Jason show in Boise and although it's always hard to beat the first time, this outdoor show was amazing. I have had many good times here in Boise but I have to say that some of dearest, happiest memories have been in the crowd of a Jason show. The guy and his band put on a hell of show, I love his music, I have memories attached to all his them love, heartache, laughs at the Cadet House. I will say that Jason has definitely taken a turn for the crunchier side of life and this concert was no exception. On more than one occasion he asked us to send our good vibes out into the universe, to send a message of unity to any life forms that might be listening in. Our little foursome (fivesome actually) couldn't help but send a few eyerolls skyward but all dirty hippiness aside I'll never miss a Boise Mraz show and it was amazing to have the trio (plus two) in full force. Just like 2004...

I don't know how I could ever write down how much I love both these girls. It is no exaggeration when I say that they made college for me. I can't believe that we've all three graduated, two are married and one is preggers (hence the trio plus two). Oh god, here I go: I cherish our yesterdays, our todays kick ass and I look forward to cougaring with you ladies and being the weird aunt to your kids.

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