Wednesday, August 26, 2009

do you have small hands or are you just holding a big deck?

Phase 10
A card game that pits husband against wife, mother-in-law vs. is a battle between and of the is a window into the soul

- should be a requirement at every job interview

- couples should play a few games before they are allowed to marry

- should be implemented as a tool in paternity cases

- possibly the greatest card game... invented... the history of all things cards...or games

Exhibit A (I stole this from a Google Images search to protect the innocent)
A few things to note here:
1) the man is clearly in a position to cheat and has clearly been feeding those women alcohol all night
2) the presence of alcohol during any Phase 10 game is both necessary and a bad idea
3) look at the total chaos that is the discard I choose the green 11 or one of the other 9 cards that have been knocked from the top by an inebriated card toss??
4) team colors are not necessary and also a bad idea since there are no teams in Phase 10 (all alliances are secret and fleeting)
5) notice no one has laid down a phase, hence everyone is still smiling

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