Wednesday, July 29, 2009

james made me do it...

In the beginning, I was anti-blog. To some extent I still am...but then! it seemed as though everyone was blogging. People I hadn't seen in years had kindly documented their lives for ME, allowing me to compare my life to theirs from my own living room. No calling, no awkward run-ins 2 minutes from my couch I knew where they were living, who they married, the names and personalities of their children. I really started to feel like a part of the family. Stalking, in other words.

I'm not sure when my new hobby spiraled out of control but I recall a time where I had my computer in front of me and James wanted to know "whose blog are you looking at now?" (insert that tone boys get when they clearly think girls are ridiculous) and I pretty much, uh, lied and said I was looking at my bank account. (??) What really should have tipped him off was the giggling since I very rarely find humor in my back account.

The guilt. I see you all, putting your lives out there, just wanting to share the day-to-day with people far away. How can I judge you? With your fancy custom backgrounds and your long lists of friends and your adoring fans that keep checking in for more and more of YOU. I figured, it's only fair that I open my life to your judgement and ridicule. Unfortunately I have this disorder which constantly convinces me that your grass is always greener than my little apartment-patio-joke-weed-patch. This about brings us up to speed, thanks for getting at least this far.

James has been suggesting I blog for some time now, probably since I always seem to have some fascinating story from my day with which to regale him nightly. (actually, and this is a FACT, he just wants something to keep me occupied whilst he regales himself with NCAA Football 2009*). It's true though, I seem to be quite adept at keeping myself highly entertained. I just don't know how to translate it to the blog medium. I'm still really skeptical.

But I digress, tonight after our Fiery Hawaiian pizza from Domino's (you all really need to order one right now) and completing my round of blog checks, James again asked me to start a blog. Nay, demanded I blog. Pleaded!

So here it is.
Some things you should know, before we go any further:
- I like to italicize things, a lot.
- I use ellipses...often...and inappropriately
- sometimes I like to use "me" inplace of "my", example: "have you seen me cheerios coupon?"
(yes, like a leprochan pirate...exactly) When you stumble across this here, it is never a typo
- I am not married and I don't have any kids so I'm already at a disadvantage since I have to actually think of things to write about instead of just putting up pictures attached to adorable stories...
- I do however live with my Mechanical Engineer boyfriend (of two years) James who is usually pretty good for a laugh or a judgmental eyebrow raise
- My life is at the precipice


  1. Love your blog already!! I don't seem to have many funny stories. Mine revolve around puke, poop, and breast milk. I just wanted to type breast...hehhe. I look forward to many more stories and I stalk too!! :)

  2. Good to see you finally gave into technology taking over the world...(evil laugh). Nice first post, you may be better at this than you think. Hope all is going well for you guys.

  3. From one blogging ellispser to another...I heart your blog. And I heart you!! (that is my allotment of exclamation points for the week. Don't use them too much on here. They are cheap, tacky and a clue into one's own insecurities and general unhappiness).
    Update this thing frequently, as I can already tell I will be a loyal follower...
